Our default thumbnail, the Logical Developments logo in black on white. The Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Association with Curtin University

Unknown - Aug 27, 2008

An ex student himself, our head programmer Paul is enjoying his renewed association with Curtin University.

In July Paul presented a two-day “Introduction to Omnis” workshop, covering various aspects of programming in an Omnis Studio environment (this is the development tool used in most of our modular solutions). Feedback was encouraging, and opens the possibility of running another such course in the future. Sessions included file classes, data types, database design, messaging, windows, programming structures, lists, tasks, menus, reports, super/sub classes.

The final year Software Engineering Project course at Curtin run a series of guest presentations on various subjects, providing students the opportunity of getting a broader idea of the ‘real’ world beyond university.