Our default thumbnail, the Logical Developments logo in black on white. The Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

CeBIT Expo – Sydney

Unknown - Jul 8, 2005

CeBIT is one of the largest IT exhibitions in Australia, involving more than 20 nations. This May, the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre (in Darling Harbour) was host to an estimated 28,000 visitors. (details www.cebit.com.au/)

Thanks to those who called in to chat with Paul, our head developer, who was on the Omnis stand - one of the expo's 600 exhibitions. The Logical Developments modular system is Omnis based, and it was exciting to be invited to participate.

There was a regular stream of interested visitors.

Paul was kept busy responding to questions about both Omnis and Logical Developments ? our company, employment opportunities, and our products – with particular interest in Video and ShopFront point-of-sale systems. Paul also enjoyed visits from other developers he had previously met at last year’s Oz-Omnis conference. (see below – news item Oz-Omnis conference Aug 04)