Database software


Ben Sleep and Paul Mulroney - Sep 21, 2023

Logical Developments has had a long-standing relationship with the Walk to Emmaus movement, with Paul being part of their program since 1999. The need for a customised database solution arose, and Paul got to work. He soon noticed that each of the three communities that Paul was involved with had a community “database” consisting of an Excel spreadsheet to track member information. However, this approach had its problems.

The biggest problem with Excel is this: Excel is not a database!

Multiple copies of the spreadsheet could exist, making it challenging to determine which one was the "master" copy. Additionally, the spreadsheet isn't searchable in a meaningful way, making it difficult to extract useful information such as who hasn't served on a team or how many times someone has served. Furthermore, it's too easy to accidentally delete data or enter incorrect information.

In 2015, Logical Developments began working on a prototype online database system to address these issues. Paul had the opportunity to attend national conferences in 2018 and 2019, where he spoke with other communities and found that there was demand for such a system.

And with that the twinkle in Paul's eye it became a reality!

Thanks to an agreement between Logical Developments and Emmaus Australia National Board, the community database is now available to all Emmaus and Chrysalis communities in Australia to help ease the administrative burden of managing membership data. Currently, six communities use the online database, and 17 make use of the online prayer vigil system.

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