It's a picture of Jordan! He is wearing a blue polo shirt and is looking from the right to the left. He has a small smile and has his head tilted to the viewers right. In the top left corner in gold on blue is the Logical Developments logo, which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

End of Semester

Aaron Muilne - Oct 16, 2020

It’s been twelve weeks already!?! That means it’s time to say goodbye, starting all the way back in July, Jordan has spent the last 12 weeks working with us through Edith Cowan University’s (ECU) Workplace Integrated Learning (WIL) program. Being his third time with us, he quickly resumed work on our project with the WA Museum. Along with continuing familiar work, Jordan has helped to upgrade one of our older products bringing it inline with our newer programs ready for any future deployments.

After finishing those tasks, he’s been steadily at work on a new project. Beginning at the start of the design process, working in collaboration with the rest of the team working through feature lists, design mock-ups and wire-framing for multiple devices. The project is now ready for development.

In not too long, Jordan will graduate with a Bachelor of Computer Science, majoring in Software Engineering and we’re very grateful to have been part of the process.

To celebrate his accomplishments and time with us, we enjoyed lunch together and cake!

Thank you for your time with us Jordan, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed having you with us.

Good bye! but, hopefully not for too long.