Aaron is a sitting at his desk with his hands in his lap smiling at the camera. Parts of the office can be seen in the background, some clutter is on his desk in the foreground. Up in the top left corner is the Logical Developments logo in gold on a blue background. The Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Farewell Aaron

Aaron Muilne - Sep 30, 2022

How time flies! Way back in April of 2019, Aaron came on part time as our Digital Marketing Officer. Taking over from Shane, Aaron has been responsible for all of our social media and communications efforts. Just before coming on to be part of our communications effort, Aaron helped us out with our contributions to the "Why we use Omnis" series.

Over the last three and half years Aaron's role has grown from a part time position tidying up our branding to a full time role that's been involved with design projects for our clients, writing articles, learning & utilising web development skills, and staff photography.

When thinking about his time here, Aaron had this to say - "starting here, I didn't think that I would do all that I've done here. I certainly didn't think I'd build out three (3) websites (even if it was ours twice). It's been fantastic developing a range of skills, and I appreciate that I've had that opportunity".

These are a lot of words to announce that sadly, this is Aaron's last day with us. It's been wonderful having you as part of the team and we wish you all the best for your future.