The thumbnail is has a blue background. In the top left corner is the Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. In the middle and aligned to the right the title, "Feature Focus: Invoices, Payables & Payroll", is written. In the bottom left corner are the logos for Invoices, Payables & Payroll. The invoices logo is a blue document with gold lines sits in front of a blue diamond with a gold outline. The Payables logo is a blue rectangle with yellow lines with a yellow arrow pointing into it from the bottom - it resembles an 'out tray' from an office. The Payroll logo is a dollar sign is rolled forward, with lines circling around it.

Feature Focus: Invoices, Payables & Payroll

Caroline Mulroney - Mar 9, 2022

In the last month we released a slew of updates across our Modular Suite, but there are some changes and features that we have added that we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss! These changes are both quality of life improvements – making life just that little bit easier – and the others make the whole suite more robust, allowing users to push the system harder. Today’s list of features is spread across the Invoices, Payables and Payroll modules (Payroll can be utilized as a complete solution).

Invoices now integrates even better with the other modules. Previously some of these features were present in other modules to facilitate specific processes within the context of that module, now they are available in any context!
In this update, a special edit facility allows you to edit the date of a closed invoice allowing users to fix incorrectly dated invoices. Invoices are regarded as ‘Open’ until you tell the system to close them.  It can be modified and is not posted to Inventory or the General Ledger until it is ‘Closed’ or ‘Made Financial’. When it is closed, it is regarded as been issued to the customer and so editing is not allowed. When it is closed, stock levels are updated and it is posted to the Receivables Records and the General Ledger. For users of the Accounting module, the system will seamlessly adjust the posting date.

Invoices has two other features that have been added:

  1. Copy & Flagged Notes - Flagged notes can be added to a customer record. Normally, this pops up when you nominate the customer when creating your invoice. Now, if you are generating your invoice by copying an old one as a starting point - if the customer has a flagged note, it will pop up for you.(Previously it was ignored by the copy process.)
  2. Approved Customers - Previously, this flag was effectively window dressing within the Contacts module. Integration that took advantage of this flag only existed in our transport solution ConNote. Invoices has been updated to check this flag. An example of using the Approved Customer Flag: In the event that a given customer has an overdue account, the user can disable the Approved Customer Flag preventing them from initiating a new sale. The Approved Customer flag looks at a given customer and if a customer is not approved, you will be warned when nominating the customer. The system will not let you save the invoice.

Payables also makes use of the updated Copy & Flagged Notes feature. Within Payables users can add Flagged notes to a supplier record. Normally, this pops up when you nominate the supplier when entering their invoice. Now, if you are generating the invoice by copying an old one as a starting point - if the supplier has a flagged note, it will pop up for you. (Previously it was ignored by the copy process.)

Payroll comes with three new features designed to make life easier!

  1. Flagged Notes - you can add a flagged note to an Employee’s records. For example, to remind you to book their leave or to add a temporary adjustment, etc. Now when you generate a pay, the system will look for these flagged notes and remind you before you proceed with the current pay.
  2. Long Service Leave Anniversary and an Employees Start Date - In normal circumstances, when taking on a new employee, their start date and their LSL Anniversary (e. the date from which their current qualifying period commences) is the same day. However, if the employee has transferred in, for example, from a merger with another company - they may come with already accrued entitlements. LD Payroll, in addition to it allowing you to set an opening balance of leave entitlements - allow you to set a different LSL Anniversary to their Start Date.
  3. Reported Leave Allowances on the Pay Remittance - Preference settings now allow you to suppress the reporting of Leave Balances on the Payday Remittance.

We’re still hard at work updating Payroll to maintain our status as a Digital Service Provider of a Single Touch Payroll (STP) solution in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office guidelines. We hope to have more news related to STP Phase 2 soon!
Check out the other changes that have been made - not just to Invoices, Payables and Payroll – where we’ve rolled out a laundry list of features and bug fixes across versions 10, 10.1 and 10.2 of the Modular Suite. If you have any questions, please be in touch, we’d love to hear from you!