Aaron is sitting at his desk. His posture towards his computer, he faces the camera smiling. He's wearing a black jumper and neck warmer. A white board is behind him.

Introducing: Aaron

Aaron Muilne - May 17, 2019

We’d like to welcome aboard Aaron (Mulroney) Muilne! Starting at the end of April, he has joined the team as our Digital Marketing Officer. Taking over from Shane, Aaron is responsible for managing our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels as well as any future video projects for Logical Developments. Working part time, he is also responsible for bringing updates to the website, and publishing the comings, goings and updates here in the office.

Aaron has worked with us before, he worked with Shane to engage university students about Omnis. Endeavouring to take a local temperature of the up and coming programming world. Aaron was also responsible for crafting many of the “Your Omnis” videos we contributed to the “Your Omnis” promotional campaign run by Omnis Studio.
We look forward to all that we achieve together!