A blue thumbnail with the title, "Continuing Improvement: Maintenance Module gets an update", written in the centre toward the right. In the top left corner in black on white is the Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Maintenance Module gets an update

Paul Mulroney - Jan 6, 2021

The Vehicle Maintenance module is a component of the LD Modular Software System.  It is designed to allow you to facilitate asset management, specifically vehicles, trailers and other transport assets.

The module was built many years ago, and allows you to keep detailed information about each asset – vehicle or trailer, including asset identification, service and movement history, servicing details etc.

It is possible to setup standard scheduled servicing, based on checklists for each type of vehicle.  There are also defect reports, and followup action reports – this allows you to note items discovered during a periodic service and flag this for future followup.

With the recent update, it’s now possible to create defect/repair requests.  This is a way of tracking repairs that are required to assets.  Once a request has been created, it can be printed/emailed/saved as PDF and filed.

Repair Request Data Entry window

When used in conjunction with the ConNote module, you can integrate vehicle maintenance and consolidate functions into the one computer system, minimising data entry.

If this interests you, contact us for an obligation-free 30 day demonstration version of the software. See how we can make your day better!