It's a photo of Jordan! He is looking from the right toward the left. His head is tilted to the viewers right and has a slight smile. In the bottom right corner is the title of the article, "Our team grows!". In the top left corner is the Logical Developments logo in gold on a blue background. The logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Our team grows!

Aaron Muilne - Jan 22, 2021

Since he first starting with us over the Summer of 2019/20, Jordan has been in and out of our office gaining valuable work experience to contribute towards his education at Edith Cowan University (ECU). During the second semester of 2020 (and his final semester), he worked with us as part of ECU’s Workplace Industry Learning program. Throughout that semester he worked closely with Paul continuing to build on his initial experience with us from the summer prior. Paul had him work on a range of projects using several different technologies so that Jordan could put his learning into practice. That semester came and went, and with it the completion of Jordan’s undergraduate studies! To that we say, congratulations for all your hard work and effort!

When Jordan finished his placement with us, we were sad to see him go. As he left, we said “Good bye! but, hopefully not for too long.” Thankfully, it hasn’t been too long at all! After a well earned break, Jordan started working for us as our new Junior Developer and he’s been with us from mid-November. Since coming back in, he’s been hard at work on projects new and old. We’re excited to have him back, and we love that we get to be here at the start of his career as a programmer.

Find out a little bit more about Jordan over in our About section!