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Paul participating in The Worlds Greatest Shave

Unknown - Mar 16, 2009

Rising to a mate’s challenge to enter the Worlds Greatest Shave has resulted in Paul raising over $1400.00 for the Leukaemia Foundation. His original goal was $500.00 for just loosing his hair, but a good response from sponsors meant saying goodbye to the beard and mustache too. Saturday morning saw a group of friends gathered for the occasion with entertainment and sausage sizzle. There was no shortage of shearing jokes and puns, as laugh by laugh we stepped through a general trim, a Mohawk, then a checkerboard pattern, to being as bare (but alas, not as beautiful) as a baby’s bottom. If you are disappointed you missed out, you can see photos on Facebook.

Thanks to everyone for your support. Paul can accept further donations to the end of this week. To make a donation click here: Worlds Greatest Shave Website Funds go toward patient care and/or research into better treatment of blood cancers, such as leukaemia and lymphoma. Their website is www.leukaemia.org.au