A blue checkmark inside of a white seal. Above it reads the title, "Payroll: Verification Testing". In the top left corner in black on white is the Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle.

Product Verification Testing

Aaron Muilne - Oct 21, 2019

Over the last several months, the development team have been hard at work upgrading the payroll module to be a Single Touch Payroll (STP) solution in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office’s guidelines. As of last week, we have entered the last stages of becoming a verified Digital Services Provider (DSP). Once the Product Verification Testing (PVT) is completed, the ATO will list our package as a STP solution.

The process over the coming fortnight will be to nominate a date with the ATO where we can go through a client’s pay run. During the pay run, the development team will monitor and send off the data we receive to the ATO, demonstrating the numbers our system produces. Simultaneously, our client will send their data to the ATO like they normally will. At the receiving end, the ATO will compare and confirm the two sets of data, ensuring that they are equal and correct. Once this has occurred, the Logical Developments will be white listed, meaning that we’ll have access to the ATO’s servers, allowing us to roll out the STP upgrade to the payroll module to all our clients.