Software Quiz Night LD

Quiz Night Staff Outing

Ben Sleep - Sep 18, 2023

The Logical Developments team had been preparing for the charity quiz night for weeks. They had gathered together at Kingsley Church of Christ, excited to put their knowledge to the test and raise money for a good cause.

As the quiz began, working together to answer questions on a variety of topics, from history to pop culture. We were confident in our abilities and pushed ourselves to answer every question correctly though the judges had some things to say about some of our answers.

Despite some tough competition, the Logical Developments team managed to secure fourth place, just missing out on the top three spots. But we were not disheartened. In fact, thrilled to have raised a significant amount of money for charity.

As we left the that evening, the team members pondered excitedly about the impact their contribution would have. The funds they raised would be used to build a medical centre in Zimbabwe, providing much-needed healthcare services to those in need.

The team felt immense pride at having played a part in bringing this vital resource to life. They knew that their hard work and dedication had made a real difference in people's lives. And as for the coin toss? Well, there's always next year. 

Thanks for the great night everyone!