The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - "Release Notes: ConNote 5.51". In the bottom right corner is the ConNote logo which is the stylised outline of a box truck made to look like a check mark that resembles a luggage dolly. This sits in front of the truck's box. The ConNote logo sits inside a white oval.

Release Notes: ConNote 5.51

Paul Mulroney - Sep 23, 2022

=== Broker 2.72 ===

0011590: Not printing and not showing totals

Tweaked handling of opening the local prefs file, which stores the printer prefs.

=== ConNote 5.51 ===

0011359: Invoice Date to consignment window

Work in progress. The invoice date is now displayed on the consignment window. It is not searchable nor editable from here.

0011518: Not Approved Validation to happen immediately

When a contact who is "not approved" is set as charge to - the error message comes up immediately.

0011557: Sales Trend additional fields

Added extra comparison fields to sales trend report: Prev12Months, Prev 12 to 24 months, difference 12 months vs 12 to 24 months

0011611: Notes Helper, change field data type

The Date Booked has been changed from a date field to a text field, to match the others in the group.

=== CoreMnger 2.81 ===

0011590: Not printing and not showing totals

Reinstated missing components required for the Printer Details list in Reports Setup.