The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - “Release Notes: ConNote 5.64”. In the bottom right corner is the ConNote logo which is the stylised outline of a box truck made to look like a check mark that resembles a luggage dolly. This sits in front of the truck's box. The ConNote logo sits inside a white oval.

Release Notes: ConNote 5.64

Paul Mulroney - Jan 17, 2023

=== ConNote 5.64 ===

0011854: Deviation Surcharge
Implemented Deviation Surcharge, a mechanism that allows you to add a surcharge on freight, based on a value set in preferences.  Included in the Fuel Levy, listed as a separate total in manifests and invoices.

=== ConNote 5.61 ===
0011869: Customer Portal - Mandatory PO
It is now possible to enforce mandatory Purchase Order in the customer portal if it is required based on customer preferences.

=== ConNote 5.60 ===
0011863: Customer Portal - Missing fuel levy
Fixed problem in the customer portal where the fuel levy was not correctly calculated.

=== ConNote 5.59 ===
0011850: Price list, can't edit an inactive price list
Fixed problem where if you edit a price list and make inactive, you couldn't edit the price list and re-activate it.