The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - “Release Notes: ConNote 5.68”. In the bottom right corner is the ConNote logo which is the stylised outline of a box truck made to look like a check mark that resembles a luggage dolly. This sits in front of the truck's box. The ConNote logo sits inside a white oval.

Release Notes: ConNote 5.68

Paul Mulroney - May 5, 2023

ConNote 5.68

0012041: Fuel Levy and Deviation Surcharge % displayed on invoices
Added rate % text to MYOB invoice export for deviation surcharge and fuel levy.
0012046: Manifested consignment change Pricelist error
When editing a manifested consignment and trying to change the thirdParty, the pricelist will fail to set the PLSeq when loading the snapshot and results in a failure to prompt the user to allow the change in the pricelist and just assumes we cannot set it.  With this fix it now correctly detects a change in price list and triggers a financial update.

Connote 5.65

0011487: Price List - From/To Depot
Added the ability to choose From and To depots for quotations, consignments etc.  Improved Price List window to create a price list matrix across From/To destinations. Tables of values are displayed in a new way to improve data entry speed. Rearranged Quotation and Consignment windows to accomodate new fields. Suburbs are associated with destinations, so it's possible to determine the depots to use based on the suburbs in the sender/receiver details.  Added forklift pickup/delivery fields to the price list and flow through to quotations, consignments etc.
0011731: wManifest wrong "missing consignment" number
Fixed problem where under some conditions where you would get a generic error message when attempting to access a consignment on a manifest where the consignment has been deleted.
0011815: Pickup helper separate fields
Previously there was a "Pickup Notes Helper" on the Pickup entry window that converted a series of fields into a text note on the pickup.  Now these are discrete fields which can be accessed on the pickup status window and other areas such as the customer portal.
0011900: Deviation Surcharge on reports
Included the Deviation Surcharge on the Consignment Totals and Consignment Summary reports.
0011918: Customer Portal - Price difference
As part of the implementation of the Customer Portal, ensured that pickup and delivery charges were calculated the same way for both Desktop and Web interfaces.
0011930: Quote Details > Customer Reference field
Added a customer reference field to the Quotations in the Customer portal, and this now appears in ConNote Desktop.  Flow through from quotations to consignments when the quotation is converted to a consignment.
0011956: MyFreight EDI to work with new From/To price list system
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, ensure that the MyFreight EDI mechanism also works with it.
0011957: Price List Updater to include forklift charges
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, there are now forklift pickup and delivery charge fields in the price list.  These are now included in the Price List updater function.  At the same time fixed problem where the Controlled Waste fields were sometimes not activated correctly.
0011967: PPI Name length
Increased the length of the Price Per Item name field from 20 chars to 50 chars.
0011984: Consignments and Quotes: move "Charge Third Party" into price list box.
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, the Quotations and Consignments windows have been rearranged.  Included in this is moving the "Charge Third Party" from below the Sender/Receiver fields into a third box with the price list selection fields.
0011985: Pickup converting to consignment note error
Fixed problem where under certain conditions, if you try to convert a pickup to a consignment and for some reason you have a consignment record without a number, it would generate the message that the consignment was not created.
0011989: Export/Import data for Service Regions
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, added new data handling methods for exporting/importing service region data.
0012021: Suburbs & Regions import - Custom Format
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, added new data handling methods for exporting/importing suburbs with destination region data.
0012037: From/To Migration - Renaming depots incorrectly
With the implementation of the new price list system (ld0011487) above, there is a migration routine that allows you to convert the previous price list data to the new format.  This fix includes improved handling of the imported data for situations where a depot has been renamed.
0012038: From/To Migration Export Error
Fixed problem where under certain conditions when you are exporting data you get the message "Print Manager Omnis Error: Access to the file is not available"