The thumbnail is decorative, it is a blue card. In the top left corner, the Logical Developments logo sits in a white right angle triangle. The Logical Developments logo which is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title written on it, "Release Notes: Emmaus 2.57".

Release Notes: Emmaus 2.57

Paul Mulroney - Mar 18, 2022

=== Emmaus v2.57 ====

0011046: Add Candidates - Work In Progress
It's now possible to add someone to the list of candidates from the Analyse window. When you click a potential team member in the list and you double-check their suitability for role, you can now click 'Add Candidate', and select the role that you wish to add them for.

0011206: Can see GSEC community gatherings
Fixed problem where if you clicked on a community member that attends multiple communities, you would see their attendance in other communities.

0011273: Mailshot not firing
Fixed problem where for some reason queued mailouts were not being sent because the mailshot queue was stalled - missing information caused the queue to stop with an error and it was never restarted. Now, if there is missing data there are default values loaded and used instead from the system configuration, and errors are caught and logged, and the mailshot queue then processes the next entry.