The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - "Release Notes: 1.76". In the bottom right corner is the Payroll logo which is a dollar sign is rolled forward, with lines circling around it. It sits in a white circle.

Release Notes: Payroll 1.76

Caroline Mulroney - Sep 2, 2022

LD-Payroll (Omnis Studio 10.0)

=== Conatacts v3.72 ===

10920: Payroll: Employee ID

If the employee number changes mid-year, the ATO treat it as a different record - (even though the Payee TFN & Payer ABN matches.)

Validation of Employee ID strengthened. It looks for duplicates, changes or blank and gives relevant errors or warnings.

11377: Customer Portal All web users get the same role

Contact information tab panes for Web Access and Web Employees - added a redraw to the user list $event on click, to redraw the userGroup to the correct current value.

11424: SQL Error on Contacts Notes where contact code has a single quote

Contact Notes have been updated to handle lookups where the Contact Code includes an inverted comma (i.e. single quote) e.g. O'MALLEY

=== CoreMnger 2.78 ===

11543: DSP Update

Single Touch Payroll Services have changed the message returned when a pay-event file is accepted without error. It has been changed from “Message Accepted” to “Message accepted” (lowercase “a”).

This change has been tested and does not affect LD-Payroll

11546: Payroll: Country Codes

Error received regarding a submission that should have included country codes was truncated.

The field that captures the error message has been increased in size.

=== Payroll v1.76 ===

11545: Payroll: Full File Replacement. And Update of Final for the Financial Year.

Previously, a pay-event file was marked as a Full File Replacement (FFR) if an 'Accepted' message was received back. Upon advice from the ATO, this has been updated to: It is regarded as a FFR if it is the last file sent to the ATO and received. If a validation error is returned, this does not change the FFR status.

Update Events:

  • The pay-event prior to the last sent can be re-sent to update the data. This is still the case.
  • Now - the last pay-event of the Last Financial Year can be sent as an Update Event, or the period of this current financial year.

Payload Status window (where the user sends the Pay Records from) - updated business rules and validation to match. As the list of pay records can be resorted by the user. the trackers used for validations updated to be based on the payday ID not the list line number.

Relevant to STP Phase 2 and updates from ECT Testing:

10722: Payroll: STP Phase II * Still a WIP with ECT Testing *

  • ECT Testing; refinements to business rules
  • Fixed error re LSL earned pre '93
  • Special handling OTE: Paid Parental Leave, Defence/Ancillary & Workers Compensation Leave are NOT regarded as OTE by the ATO and therefore Superannuation will not be included for these leaves.

10920: Payroll: Employee ID

If the employee number changes mid-year, the ATO treat it as a different record (even though the Payee TFN & Payer ABN matches.)

Validation of PayEvent STP submission strengthened - if it has been cleared, the user will receive an error preventing the pay record from being submitted.

11331: Paid Time off In Lieu (TOIL)

TOIL previously added as a trackable Leave Type. Now included in Termination Payment as pay-out of unused leave.

11481: Lump Sum D

Redundancy Termination Payment becomes Lump Sum D.

In the STP PayEvent Lump Sum D Amounts are not to be included in the Payer (The Organisation Header) Totals. The payEvent submission updated accordingly.

11482: Salary Sacrifice and Fringe Benefits (FB)

Salary Sacrifice in the form of Reportable Fringe Benefits (RFB) and Exempt Fringe Benefits (EFB) are not required to be OTE. (This contrasts with Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation that DOES NOT reduce OTE). Payday Adjustments for FB have their defaults and user-interaction messages updates accordingly.

11484: ATO Recognised Deductions that are not Salary Sacrifices

Such deductions are to be Post-Tax deductions, i.e. not to reduce Gross Income. Payday Adjustments for deductions have their defaults and user-interaction messages updates accordingly.

11485: Vehicle Allowance and auto splitting

Portion of VA above ATO-nominated threshold, is split by the system into 'Other Allowances'. Other Allowances are NOT regarded as OTE by the ATO, so by default, the Payday Adjustment record for the Allowance is set to not relevant to superannuation. Where a VA is split, a note is added to the Memo field.

11546: STP - Country Codes

Re the breakdown of income into its ATO-nominated sources.

The handling of country codes has been improved, so that each income source that requires a country code will have it nominated.

11527: Unpost the Payday and LSL

re LSL anniversary date calculation and Unpost/repost. Added interaction with user. Calculation will keep the same date through unpost and repost.