The thumbnail is decorative. A blue card with Logical Developments logo in the top left corner on a white background. The Logical Developments logo is a diamond with the letters L and D inside of it. The letters are offset from each other vertically while also overlapping horizontally. The each sit inside of their own rectangle. The thumbnail has the title printed on it - "Release Notes: 1.77". In the bottom right corner is the Payroll logo which is a dollar sign is rolled forward, with lines circling around it. It sits in a white circle.

Release Notes: Payroll 1.77

Caroline Mulroney - Sep 15, 2022

LD-Payroll (Omnis Studio 10.0)

=== Payroll v1.77 ===

Known Issues

11573: Employee Data and changing their Employee ID

LD Payroll is still using the business rules of STP 'version 1'. (It is ready for STP Phase 2 but we need the ATO approval first.)

Until we are approved for STP Phase 2, we cannot submit Pay Records using the new format.

Do NOT update an Employee's ID number until LD-Payroll is released with STP Phase 2 approval.

This will cause a submission, with YTD amounts, with their new ID number - which will

effectively double their pay for this financial year.

When LD-Payroll is released with STP Phase 2 approval, such edits will track multiple records for the TFN, totalling amounts for each employee ID.

As the TFN is the same, the ATO will then add the amounts together.


10950 New Report: Employee List

This new report lists current employees, showing their:

  • code
  • name
  • TFN
  • employee ID
  • start date
  • end date
  • and reason for leaving.

Additional options:

  • include All employees (i.e. not just the ones marked current)
  • include Address
  • include current pay rate.

Choice of sort: Employee ID, Contact Code, Surname, or Postal State.

Relevant to STP Phase 2 and updates from ECT Testing:

10722: Payroll: STP Phase II *ECT Testing completed; waiting for Approval Certificate*

Superannuation paid above the standard rate > moved to new location in the STP submission

Testing under 18's TFN validation - expanded marker to 4dp. (At 2 dp Was rounding up to 18 breaking the test prematurely)