Title Revolutionizing Australia's Supply Chains: The Power of TraNSIT in Transport and Resilience, picture of winding country road, a hand holding a mobile phone showing a map route.

Revolutionizing Australia's Supply Chains: The Power of TraNSIT in Transport and Resilience

Paul Mulroney

Jun 28, 2024

Since 2012, CSIRO’s Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) has enhanced supply chain efficiency and guided transport investments. Originally designed to cut cattle transport costs in northern Australia, TraNSIT now maps over 185 commodities and handles millions of truck and rail trips annually. It factors in travel distance, time, vehicle type, and road conditions to select cost-effective routes. Recently, it expanded to assess extreme weather impacts on supply chains, aiding disaster response and long-term planning. Tools like TraNSIT Web and the Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard help decision-makers improve Australia’s freight transport infrastructure.

The image depicts a woman in thought, considering a representation of cloud computing.

Software as a Service: Pros & Cons

John Kohl

Jun 20, 2024

In ancient days long past, when the world was young and the era of the personal computer had eclipsed the mainframe, most software was developed and sold as a product. Since the turn of the millenium, this business model has been gradually replaced by Sofware as a Service (SaaS). Join us as we explore the differences between these models, and what it means for us and the software we provide.

Man standing in front of a giant calendar.  Title: Report Scheduler.  Subtitle: taking the pain out of everyday reporting

Feature Focus – The Report Scheduler

Caroline Mulroney

Jun 13, 2024

Taking the hassle out of getting meaningful information from your software. Reports generated according to your schedule, delivered directly to your inbox.

Gantt chart with overruns.  Title "How long did it take", subtitle - when it doesn't go to plan.

How long will it take?

Paul Mulroney

Jun 5, 2024

In the past, we have experienced firsthand what happens when you dive into building a feature without asking the right questions. Here's what we learned: spending more time planning upfront can actually speed up the overall project because you'll have a detailed map, reducing the chances of getting off track.

The image displays several icons, each of which indicates that a particular type of internet connection is not available. The caption reads "Stay connected: Risk mitigation strategies for internet outages".

Stay connected: internet outages and how to combat them.

John Kohl

May 22, 2024

As modern businesses become increasingly reliant on stable internet connections to operate, the risk of losing connection has grown alongside. Understanding what can cause outages and how to effectively mitigate the impact can turn a potentially catastrophic occurrence into a minor hiccough.

The image has the LD logo in the top left. The image displays a hand holding a smartphone with the screen displaying a checklist. In the background is a truck and trailer. The caption reads, "Safety Streamlined: Introducing Pre-Start Checklists"

Safety Streamlined: Introducing Pre-Start Checklists

John Kohl

Apr 18, 2024

Fresh off the development cycle, our Pre-Start Checklists feature offers customizable templates, seamless integration between desktop and mobile platforms, and real-time visibility into inspection status. Learn more about how your transport business streamline regulatory compliance with ConNote and our Compliance add-on module.
